IMG_4185We teamed up with Holdsworth House Hotel recently to host our first ever Crafternoon Tea event.

Knitters came from the four corners of Yorkshire and beyond to join us at the beautiful Jacobean manor in Halifax and enjoy a delicious, traditional afternoon tea of sandwiches, scones and cakes whilst indulging in their craft.

We were honoured to have been sought out and approached by the owner of Holdsworth House to help organise the event because of our affinity with Yorkshire and strong ethos of promoting quality Yorkshire yarns and British breeds.

As an online store, we really do value opportunities such as yarn festivals and knit and natter events to get out and about in the community and meet our many customers face to face and we were so pleased by the positive response.

IMG_4197We were able to share our knowledge and love of knitting with like-minded individuals but also gain a valuable insight into the products our customers love.

As well as comparing projects, there was an opportunity for guests to purchase yarn, pattern books, knit kits and accessories from our Baa Baa Brighouse stall and all received a gift bag containing a ball of Rowan Tetra Cotton yarn, a pack of Baa Baa Brighouse Vintage Buttons, a discount voucher code and information about our monthly Yan Tan Tethera Yarn Club.

We are looking forward to working with the talented staff at Holdsworth House Hotel again very soon on a picture to use as the dyer’s inspiration in a future yarn club.

As for Crafternoon Tea, we hope to announce the date for the next one shortly and thereafter will be looking at hosting them quarterly. We also appreciate the feedback we received from customers and hope to incorporate a short talk or demonstration of a new product at future events. Until then…happy knitting!



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