If you follow Baa Baa Brighouse on our social media channels – Instagram, Threads and Mastodon – you may have read recently that our beautiful 11-year-old Border Collie, Meg, passed away.

We got Meg from The Border Collie Trust when she was two, having not cut it as a working sheepdog on a Welsh farm.

Meg was very shy, timid and submissive when we first took her home and it took a lot of time and an abundance of patience to gain her trust but ultimately she became the beating heart of our family.

Sadly, her health had been failing over the last few months. She had developed masts on her abdomen that couldn’t be operated on due to her age and arthritis in her hind legs.

Where once we used to hike up hills and mountains, short, leisurely strolls with plenty of time for sniffs became more Meg’s cup of tea.

Then one evening we were eating dinner when we heard a crash and found Meg splayed at the bottom of the stairs. We think she had attempted to go upstairs but hadn’t managed to get very far before her legs gave way.

From that point on, Meg didn’t get up again and the following morning, the vet came. Our gorgeous gently girl passed away peacefully surrounded by her family.

Meg’s favourite place to sit used to be in a patch of wildflowers in the garden. We plan to plant a pink cherry blossom tree in the middle of the flowers and scatter her ashes there.

To say thank you to The Border Collie Trust for placing their faith in us nine years ago and entrusting Meg to our care, we have launched a new Charity Yarn, ‘In Memory Of Meg‘.

The limited edition yarn is a 100g skein of Chunky Roving hand dyed 100% Bluefaced Kerry Hill yarn and £5 from every skein sold will be donated to The Border Collie Trust to support the fabulous work they do with Border Collies and Collie cross breeds throughout the UK.

RIP lovely Meg.

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